Attract & retain qualified employees: Join #1 iWorkwell
Boost retention, productivity, morale, and more
iWorkwell’s members-only website is a state-of-the-art resource (information, tools & services) that improves organizations’ HR practices, lowers management costs and boosts productivity.
iWorkwell is in a class by itself, providing the highest caliber expertise in all things HR ... such as health & other employee benefits that attract & engage qualified employees, compensation, legal compliance, metrics & analytics, HR strategy, staffing, and talent management (including retention, morale & motivation) ... indeed, everything to do with lowering the risks — and cutting the costs — of attracting, retaining and managing people.
It's like 24x7 support for managers and (typically lean) HR and Finance staffs, and is an efficient vehicle for keeping them up-to-date to make informed decisions. iWorkwell clients find best practices, resolve personnel problems, implement streamlined procedures, drive consistency throughout the organization, stay compliant with the latest HR laws, and reduce turnover of top talent.
iWorkwell scales to support human resources in all types and sizes of businesses and non-profits — from 3-person startups to the Fortune 500. -
A recent Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Survey by Cornell University's Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies found that the top 3 obstacles to achieving the CEO's HR agenda are inadequate:
- "HR competencies" (58%)
- "HR resources" (35%)
- "Organizational talent" (25%)
Clearly, employers do want the kind of help that iWorkwell provides.
Using iWorkwell:
- Lowers the costs of human resource management.
- Frees up money to invest elsewhere in the business.
- Increases productivity.
Ultimately iWorkwell will improve your bottom line.